Frequently asked questions about Alex Green:

Q: Why should I read Alex’s new book The Adventure Teen All-Stars?

A: Because it’s the best book of the year with a water demon in it.

Q: I saw Alex read last summer and he looks like he’s wearing the same clothes he wore in high school.

A: He is.

Q: I really loved Emergency Anthems, but why does Alex keep writing about sharks?

A: More importantly, why do they keep writing about him?

Q: Did Alex write all the lyrics for Golden Curtain's Underwater Gospels album?

A: He did, but he didn't write any of the lyrics for Taylor Swift's 1989 album.

Q: What's the best book Alex has never read?

A: Bleak House by Charles Dickens. He often says he totally loved not reading it.

Q: Can you ask Alex what the top three ways to get rabies are?

A: He says, bats, feral dogs and Bruce Dickinson.

Q: What does Alex think the main ingredients are to write a successful Christmas novel?

A: Murder, suicide, thrash metal and the black market organ trade.